Dev Environment Setup

Create a junction link for testing scripts locally

  • Open Command Prompt & Navigate to your DCS Missions directory
  • Execute the following, replacing ‘username' with the appropriate value for your machine and updating the local GitHub path as needed mklink /j "C:\Users\username\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Missions\Mission_Scripts" "C:\Users\username\GitHub\FlyingWrecks\Mission_Scripts" mklink /j "C:\Users\username\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Missions\FW_Missions" "C:\Users\username\GitHub\FlyingWrecks\Missions"

Update MissionScripting.lua

To enable the use of Moose scripts in-mission, modify \Program Files\DCS World OpenBeta\Scripts\MissionScripting.lua to look like the example below:

--Initialization script for the Mission lua Environment (SSE)


--Sanitize Mission Scripting environment
--This makes unavailable some unsecure functions. 
--Mission downloaded from server to client may contain potentialy harmful lua code that may use these functions.
--You can remove the code below and make availble these functions at your own risk.

local function sanitizeModule(name)
	_G[name] = nil
	package.loaded[name] = nil

	-- sanitizeModule('io')
	-- sanitizeModule('lfs')
	-- _G['require'] = nil
	-- _G['loadlib'] = nil
	-- _G['package'] = nil

Mission Options

This set of options does the following:

  • Enables external views
  • Sets F10 map visibility to Fog of War
  • Disable labels (‘DOT NEUTRAL' is an acceptable alternative here)
  • Disables any cheats or assists
  • Satnav for both coalitions regardless of mission date
  • Enables wake turbulence & G effects
  • Allows for the use of Cockpit Visual Recon mode (right click to ‘spot' ground targets)
  • Allows players to place map markers
  • Disables civilian traffic in order to allow for road bases
  • Enables a small chance of bird strikes
  • Disables the BDA window

Mission Options Reference