
  • Radio comms are on 127.500mhz

  • Use your TACAN and turn it on before taxiing.

  • Take off and remain at 500 feet until 7 NM from carrier.

  • 7,000 feet above the carrier is above recovery operations, but there will be tankers.

CASE I Recovery

  • Daylight good visibility is CASE I

  • Approach in level flight 2,000 to 6,000 altitude from at least 10 miles out. Pick an altitude and stay at it.

  • Configure TACAN, ICLS and set Base Recovery Course (the direction the boat is moving is BRC).

  • Orbit above the carrier in a 5 mile diameter circle that the 3 o'clock portion is centered on the carrier and called Port Holding. Speed 350knots.

  • Upon receiving "Charlie" exit this Port Holding to the stern of the ship. Decend to 800 ft and 350 kts and come in directly from behind the boat at 800 feet starting 3 NM astern. HOOK DOWN

  • Beyond the carrier by 1nm break left turn, throttles to idle and speed brake. Turn 180 and descend to 600 feet for the downwind.

  • Configure for landing: speed, AoA, flaps, gear, check hook

  • When you can see the back of the boat, commence final 190 degree turn, descending to about 300-400 feet when you should be "in the groove".

  • After landing, flaps up, wings fold / retract, hook up, NWS on, taxi out of the way to parking.

CASE I Missed Approach / Wave Off / Bolter

  • Turn to BRC, climb to 600 feet and re-enter the down wind pattern behind the last guy who is currently in the downwind pattern.

CASE III (night time) recovery

  • Get final bearing (FB) from ATC and fly out 25 NM behind the carrier on reciprocal to FB at 6,000 feet and orbit and call "established".

  • The marshal stack altitude might be higher than 6,000 feet if there are others in it ahead of you.

  • Upon commence, call "commencing" and then descend.

  • Call "platform" at 5,000 feet and continue descent to 1200 feet and then configure for landing. All ICLS and TACAN on.

  • Fly level on final bearing until horizontal needle shows you're in the glide path.

  • Exterior lights on. Not the taxi lights. Turn off all lights upon landing. Flaps, wings, hook, taxi.

CASE III missed approach

  • Ascend to 1200 feet on final bearing and go 4 NM ahead of the carrier. Turn 180 and go until 4 NM astern of carrier. Turn 180 and re-enter final bearing / glideslope. Watch out for other aircraft on their approach.