VI. Field Training Objectives

This is the Field Training Objectives list which a trainer / instructor / trainee can know what the different requirements and objectives are to demonstrate a trainee understands and can competently navigate the carrier deck and airspace in a moderate to heavy traffic environment. Understanding the flow of operations and demonstrating these skills show that the trainee can be safe and efficient while operating from the deck of a carrier group.

The instructor or trainer can use this check list to organize and remind of the relevant skills and requirements. It can guide practice, training, and checkrides.


– Comms


– Taxiing

– Clearing Turn

– Departure Altitude

Recovery Case I

– Comms



– BRC / Course

– Inbound altitude

– Port Holding

– Depart Port Holding for Pattern

– Altitudes at break and downwind

– Level turn

– On speed / AoA

– Missed Approach / Re-entry into downwind

– Post landing procedures (flaps, wings, hook, NWS, taxi, parking)

– Bonus points if student understands the Spin Pattern

Recovery Case III

– Comms

– Final Bearing



– Marshal Stack (DME and Altitude)

– Lights

– Commence on time

– Platform

– 1200 Feet Level at 10 DME

– Configured on speed AoA

– Bonus for Auto Throttles

– On Needles

– Ball call

– Lights after landing

– post landing procedures

– Missed approach