Checkride: Hornet

Individual Tasks - 1000-series - RL3

  1. Cold Start
  2. Airfield Takeoff & Landing
  3. Comms 1
    • Decorum & Brevity
    • Airfield-specific comms
  4. Navigation
    • TACAN
    • ADF
    • Radials
    • Bullseye
  5. Basic Radar & IFF
    • HAFU symbology
    • Target acquisition
    • PRF modes
    • Bars & scan azimuth
  6. Basic A2A Weapons
    • Guns
    • Fox-1
    • Fox-2
    • Fox-3
  7. Basic A2G Weapons
    • Guns
    • Dumb bombs
    • Unguided Rockets

Mission Tasks - 2000-series - RL2

  1. Cold Start Scramble
  2. Advanced A2A Weapons
    • Multi-ship operations
    • Team employment techniques
    • Perform actions on contact
  3. Advanced A2G Weapons (PGM)
    • TPOD usage
    • Laser-guided rockets & missiles
    • JSOWs
    • Harpoons
    • SLAM-ER
    • Anti-Radar missiles
  4. Comms 2: Comms on Contact
    • Extra Radios (MIDS & Guard)
    • Coordinating A2G
    • Callouts
    • Avoiding chatter
  5. Formation Flying
  6. AAR

Additional Tasks - 3000 Series - RL1

  1. IFR
    • Airfield takeoff & landing
    • AAR in inclement weather
  2. Comms 3
    • Carrier Comms
  3. Carrier Ops
    • Stacks & patterns
    • Case I, Case III
  4. Night Ops
    • AAR at night
    • The Final Boss
  5. Advance NAV
    • Waypoint Creation and Editing
    • Flight Plan Creation
    • ILS

Readiness Levels

We can assign each task a level in order to break up the syllabus into stages

Examples (h/t Gunmetal)

  • 1000-series tasks: Individual tasks (cold start, takeoff, landing, file flight plan, etc.)
  • 2000-series tasks: Mission tasks (multi-ship operations, , etc.)
  • 3000-series tasks: Additional tasks (as generated by the unit commander)
  • 4000-series tasks: Maintenance tasks (not really applicable to DCS)