Trained Monkey System

  • In-House Mission Creation System


  • Create a blank Caucasus mission on your PC
  • Place groups and statics as you see fit, configuring waypoints and actions as desired
  • Prefix any group or static that should be tied to an objective with TGT, e.g. TGT Red Convoy
  • Don't worry about placing player slots, tankers, AWACS, FARPs, or even SAM networks
  • Click on the Edit menu, select Save Static Template
  • Send the Static Template file along with a briefing for both sides to a staff member
  • And that's it!

Theater-Specific Layouts

  • Use these as guidance for unit placement
  • Currently only Caucasus is available; Other theaters coming soon!


  • In this scenario, BLUFOR controls the southern Caucasus and REDFOR controls the northern Caucasus Caucasus Layout